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Count On Me
Vice Verses feat. Slaine, Big Ox, Prolific Wone
produced by zia leonard (idea factory)

It's hard to always know where things end and things begin. The Crown, an album from End of the Weak founder Jason "Vice Verses "Williams, is being released this year, almost two years after his passing. The album features appearances by many of Vice's long-term friends and music collaborators. 


“Count on Me” takes you on a brooding journey through what could be Gotham; haunting, gritty and triumphant. This is a song you feel while moving through sonic builds and crescendos. The lyrics explore the meaning of growth, brotherhood and loss and brings together Prolific Wone (End of the Weak Founder) and Slaine (La Coka Nostra) both original members of I2I, Vice’s original NYC rap group, and Big Oz who worked most closely with Vice in recent years, having started DiverseCity and Idea Factory together. 


The Crown encapsulates Vice's trademarks: lyrical, dark, haunting, melancholy, light-hearted, clever, and honest. It is all of those things, and more. The album personifies the unique way Vice connected with family, friends, fellow artists, kids ... with people. While Vice conceptualized the songs, he never heard them in their finished forms, never heard the features or some of the beats at all. Yet, the songs are completely Vice. Not a tribute or a remembrance of but an embodiment of Jason "Vice Verses" Williams' special soul and the way he made you feel if you were lucky enough to know him.


The Crown is a labor of Love. Executive produced by Vice, Vice's best friend Big Ox, and his partner Kendra Goldhirsch, with the support of Danyle Williams, James Calhoun, and Patrick Hanos.


Artwork by Monk-E




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