Happy Giving Season! As EODUB embarks on our 25th year, we’re excited to announce our world finals in Kampala Africa!
In the spirit of Vice Verses and the Verses Project, we are excited to kick off our first annual VICE’ MÁS fundraiser, dedicated to EODUB UGANDA and raising funds to produce the world finals in Kampala, Uganda.
Today is your chance to give in the spirit of Jason and contribute to the Global movement towards improvement through music, EODUB. The Verses Project is excited to provided you with an opportunity to give a tax deductible donation directly to the hip hop community.
Donate in your name, the name of a loved one as a thoughtful holiday gift or in VEEZY’s name!
Jason’s friends have come together to create some of the most magical and special moments in the lives of so many. This is your chance to continue to give in his honor towards something that will undoubtedly change lives in a beautiful and positive way.
Keep GiVing, it’s VICE’ MÁS ✌️✌️